

WWMC can recommend and source contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers based on project requirements and budget constraints. Manage the bidding process, negotiates contracts, and ensures that all parties adhere to agreed-upon terms and schedules to facilitate the smooth progression of the construction project. Worldwide Mission Critical delivers accurate budgets and detailed estimates for mission critical projects using published industry pricing, labor rates, and historical project data. Our comprehensive cost validation and reconciliation process with trade contractors ensures that your project stays competitive with the latest market rates and cost trends.

A black and white drawing of a cube on a piece of paper with a pen.

Basis of Design Preparation

A group of people standing next to each other with a pencil in a circle.

Specification Preparation

A black and white icon of a dollar sign on a white background.

RFP Preparation, Issuance and Response Review

A black and white icon of a piece of paper with a circle around it.

MSA and Terms & Conditions Development

A black and white icon of a ruler and pencil on a piece of paper.

Receive and Review Shop Drawings

A conveyor belt icon on a white background.

Factory Witness Tests

A black and white icon of a clipboard with boxes on a cart.

Inventory, Track and Manage Storage

A magnifying glass is looking at a piece of paper.

Arrange Delivery and Onsite Inspections

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